Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Gift of a Lifetime

When you're rushing around buying your Christmas gifts this season, spare a thought for those hard-working independent musicians you know.  They're the ones who:
  • you're not likely to hear their music on commercial radio because they have no 'marketing machine' behind them
  • fund their own recordings out of their own pocket, their own blood sweat and tears raise the money to get their recordings done professionally
  • put their heart and soul into their music so that they can make the world a better place, so that they can encourage, inspire, and give pleasure to their listeners
And give a thought to the people you're buying presents for.
  •  Maybe they're tired of the crass commercialism of Christmas.  
  • Maybe they need something more from you than the socks/undies/useless trinkets that come from the desperation of not knowing what to get.  
  • Maybe they need things that money can't buy - like fresh hope, new ideas, encouragement, laughter.
And THEN consider the perfect match .....MUSIC!.   It's the gift that lasts a lifetime:
  • try and forget a song you love!  It's with you forever
  • some songs become part of the fabric of our life - they lift us up, they give us hope, they stir memories of the people and the times in our life
  • you're never lonely if there's a song in your head or your heart
Wishing you a blessed and joyful Christmas .......and Taking Christmas orders now!
contact: to order
see Discography page and deal for multiple purchase